Tuesday, September 11, 2007


And on the seventh day God said "Let there be Tiger Balm!". And I thank him for that. This little jar of happiness has helped me retain my sanity. Apparently I am a feast for all the biting insects and arachnids that reside in the area. I have so many bites in so many places all over my body. Itching and scratching has become a part of my daily routine. The mother I live with introduced me to applying Tiger Balm to the bites. One night she was watching me scratch away. She slid the little jar towards me and motioned to rub it on. God bless her! Tiger Balm is an ointment that is made here in Thailand. It is typically used for achy joints and muscles but I now know that it is used for the relief of insect bites too. Hooray!

By the way, was anyone aware that Tiger Balm treats flatulence? I wouldn't know from personal experience. But I read about it on the usage paper. Who would have thought? The idea makes me laugh.

1 comment:

Spencer said...


Tiger balm is a miracle "drug" for sure. Here, however, is another Thai pharmacy miracle. It's called "Bang." They sell it everywhere, and if you haven't tried it yet, buy it tomorrow.