Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I have a 3 hour layover in Taipei, Taiwan. There is free Internet service at the airport which I thought was pretty sweet. Something I read in Time Magazine made me laugh out loud on the flight over here. Perhaps it was only funny because I was on a China Airlines flight and the subject matter had recently occurred. Anyway, the article was about waiting in lines. It had a little snippet about how in China on the 11th day of every month the Chinese are being taught how to queue in preparation for the upcoming 2008 Olympics. I'm still laughing at the thought of grown men and women being taught how to wait their turn. Apparently the Chinese are notorious for cutting in line. I had no idea this was commonly known. I thought they just really needed to use the bathroom.


Anonymous said...

Watch out. If your in the bathrooms too long they start knocking on your stall to get you out.

Melissa said...

I miss talking to you! I love reading your blog and what you up to and experiencing! Let me know when you are back cause I want to call you! We have much to catch up on.